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Nara Weather in December

Season: Early Winter
In Short: Cold, mostly sunny, dry and rainless

December is the early winter in Nara and the weather is cold. But because of the global warming, December is not as cold as insufferable. Besides, the weather in December is mostly sunny and it’s relatively warm in sunshine hours. It’s also dry and rainless. Traveling in December, visitors can prepare some skin-care products. If you travel to Nara for red leaves, early to mid-December is better.

See also: Japan Weather in December

Nara in December
Goryo Shrine Scenery in December


The temperature hovers around 3-12°C (37.4- 53.6°F) on average. After the sunset, the temperature drops sharply so you need to bring enough warm clothes. When the sun comes out, you will feel warmer.
Average High Temperature: 12°C / 53.6°F

Average Low Temperature: 3°C / 37.4°F


It doesn’t rain or snow much so December is a pretty dry month with the average rainfall totaling only 50mm. The average humidity is 64% and it’s actually not too low. But lip pomade and skin cream are also recommended to bring just in case you feel uncomfortable.
Average Rainy Days: 6 days
Average Humidity: 64%

Sunrise & Sunset

December is the month with the shortest daylight hours in the year. The sun rises at around 06:57 and sets at about 16:46 which means the duration of daylight is only 9.8h. In the daylight hours, the sunshine hours takes up to around 4h. The sunshine hours are better time to travel around.
Daylight hours: about 9.8h
Sunshine hours: around 4h

Recommended Clothes to Wear in December

After entering winter, the clothes should be thicker than before. But during the winter, most of the indoor places begin to use central heating system so outer overcoat should be convenient to be taken off.


Tops: Padded jacket and padded overcoat help you adapt the outdoor cold weather. They are also convenient to be taken off when going to indoor places. The inner clothes should keep you warm all the time. Thermal shirt and sweater can be a good match most of the time.

Bottoms & shoes: The best match for winter is winter pants and closefitting long johns. Thick sweatpants are also suitable for the weather. To keep feet warm, a pair of hiking shoes or boots is needed too.


Tops: A simple but thick wool sweater can perfectly keep you warm. When going outside, add another down coat.
Bottoms & shoes: Sweatpants with long johns and hiking shoes with woolen socks can prevent you feeling cold.

Accessories: For accessories, scarf, gloves and winter hat should also come in handy. Don’t forget to put them in the luggage.

Top Attractions to Visit in Nara in December

Travel Recommendation:  

1. Nara Park

It still has red maple leaves in Nara in the early and mid-December so you don’t have to feel regretful if you miss the red maple leaves in November. The time of red leaves in Nara Park lasts till mid-December. Visitor can not only appreciate the red leaves but also get close to the cute deer in Nara Park. Visitors can feed the deer and take photos with them in the background of red leaves.

1. The deer can’t eat anything but the deer snacks; please don’t feed them anything else.
2. When leaving the Nara Park, please take away your rubbish or it could be eaten by deer.

Nara Park
Deer in Nara Park in December

Kasuga Taisha Shrine
Kasuga Taisha Shrine in December

2. Kasuga Taisha Shrine

Near the Nara Park, the Kasuga Taisha Shrine holds a spectacular celebration on December 17th every year, named Kasuga Wakamiya Onmatsuri Festival. It is the biggest celebration in the end of the year and it includes many traditional Japanese performances. In this festival, you can experience the traditional Japanese music and dance. What’s more, the people in the big parade show the customs and ancient clothes of different periods, which are mainly from Heian period (794-1185AD) to Edo period (1603-1868). If you are interested in Japanese culture, you can’t miss this magnificent celebration. 

3. Dorogawa Onsen Town

After seeing the natural scenery and the grand festival procession, a hot spring bath can help you warm up and relax. It is strongly recommended you to enjoy the onsens in Dorogawa Onsen Town which is located in Tenkawa Village. The water quality of onsens there is the best in Nara and it has plenty of famous onsens pools. Both the onsens and antique atmosphere in Dorogawa are worth experiencing.

Tip: You have to be naked while enjoying the onsens because it’s not allowed to wear clothes in the pool. More importantly, people who has tattoos are advised to check with the onsen staff if they are received or not because most onsens are off-limits to people with tattoos.

December Weather for Other Cities in Japan:

Nara Weather by Month

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