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Kyoto Weather in July

Season: Summer
In Short: Hot and muggy, plum rainy season in early July

The weather in July in Kyoto is pretty hot and muggy, especially during the plum rainy season in early month, when people feel sticky and uncomfortable. In this period, umbrellas are the musts while traveling to Kyoto. In late July, the plum rainy season ends thoroughly and the scorching hot summer begins. The temperature increases higher and the sunshine is also stronger. Visitors have to take good measures to prevent the heatstroke.
See also: Japan Weather in July

Ninenzaka & Sannenzaka Street Scene in July


In July, the average temperature is 28°C (82.4°F), with the average highest temperature being 31°C (87.8°F) and the lowest being 24°C (75.2°F). The temperature keeps increasing as time passes, especially after mid-month, when the temperature is often above 30°C (86°F). Parasol or sunhat are highly needed in this time period.
Average High Temperature: 31°C / 87.8°F
Average Low Temperature: 24°C / 75.2°F


It rains about 14 days in July which takes up half of this month. The humidity also climbs up, reaching 71% and it makes the air very humid. It's mainly because early July is in the plum rainy season, contributing to a total monthly rainfall of 223mm. Please remember to bring an umbrella and check the weather forecast when traveling in this month, especially in the early month.
Average Rainy Days: 14 days

Average Humidity: 71%

Sunrise & Sunset

The daylight and sunshine duration in July are quite long. The sun rises at around 04:54 and falls at 19:11 or so which means the duration of daylight is about 14.1h. The sunshine hours are around 8.1h. Be sure to bring sun protection items before going out.
Daylight hours: about 14.1h
Sunshine hours: around 8.1h

Recommended Clothes to Wear in July

In July, short sleeve clothes and shorts are more recommended on account of the high temperature. 


Tops: Dress and T-shirt are all good choices to dissipate the heat. It is more recommended to wear clothes which are made of cotton because they can absorb the sweat from your body better.

Bottoms & shoes: Light shorts and skirts are suitable to the weather. Besides, a pair of breathable casual shoes is also needed in hot weather.


Tops: Cotton short-sleeve clothes like short shirts or T-shirt in light colors are recommended. Wearing light-colored clothes can help you dissipate heat better.
Bottoms & shoes: Light pants and shorts are both good choices to adapt to the weather. Boys can choose a pair of breathable sneakers but better pair with sweat-absorbed socks inside.
Accessories: Visitors should bring an umbrella with you in the plum rainy season. But after the rainy season, the sunhat and sunglasses are necessary. If needed, you can also bring the parasol and sun cream to prevent getting sunburn under the scorching sunlight.

Top Festivals to Enjoy in Kyoto in July

Travel Recommendation:  

1. Kyo no Tanabata Festival

To begin with, the Kyo no Tanabata Festival is a big celebration. It is held consecutively in Kyoto, Tokyo and Kobe around July 7th and includes different kinds of activities. During this period, five locations in Kyoto City include Kamo River, Nijo Castle, Horikawa Street, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine and Umekoji Park hold light shows and arrange decorations. The whole scenery is quite unforgettable and marvelous. If possible, you can rent a kimono (traditional Japanese costume) and wear it to have a more memorable experience.

2. Yasaka-jinja Shrine - Gion Matsuri 

When talking about the special events in July, the top one must be the Gion Matsuri. Gion Matsuri is one of the three biggest festivals in Kyoto and it is mainly held in the Yasaka-jinja Shrine. In this festival, the most marvelous part is the Yamahoko parade. Visitors can join the big procession with the well-decorated Yamahoko and experience the local customs in the characteristic music. The Gion Matsuri lasts for the whole July and you don’t have to worry about missing it.

Tip: Because Gion Matsuri is one of the biggest events in Kyoto, it must be super crowded at that time. Please take care of yourself and watch out for the stampede. 

Yasaka Shrine
Marvelous Yasaka Shrine in July

3. Shimogamo Shrine - Mitarashi Festival

In the late month, the Shimogamo Shrine holds the Mitarashi Festival. In ancient times, the aristocrats would have a foot bath in the Mitarashi basin to eliminate the diseases. Now visitors can also experience the foot bath like ancient aristocrats did. Especially in the hot days, having a foot bath in the cold water can really help dissipate the heat. After enjoying the festive atmosphere, the exquisite and charming shrine is also recommended for visitors to see or take pictures.

July Weather for Other Cities in Japan:

Kyoto Weather by Month

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